We are constantly adding new Entities to our GraphQL, and this makes the programmatic interaction with Harness something pretty interesting.
Naturally, we are starting to see multiple use cases that interact with Harness GraphQL programmatically, to get answers to questions like: “How many instances do I have for each Service? Ok, what about each Service by Environment?”
I’m addicted to Shell Script. It’s simple and powerful. But, depending on the complexity and how you manipulate your GraphQL resultset, it can become a nightmare to read the code (and support it). So, I spent some time finding a way to comprehend the HTTP aspect of this interaction automatically, at the same time that I could easily manipulate dictionary/JSON collections.
Of course, the answer was Python. I’ll explore this finding with you, while I introduce the GQL Module. I’ll not enforce pep-8, exception handling, etc. This blog post is just to give you a good introduction to this approach.
I’ll explore this in the tutorial. But, in case you want to test my project directly, we’ll need some Environment Variables set at the runtime. You can follow this README.md for reference!
What are the required imports? For this example, I’ve imported these:
import os
import csv
import logging
from gql import Client, gql
from gql.transport.requests import RequestsHTTPTransport
You can solve all dependencies by running:
python3 -m pip install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gabrielcerioni/harness_instanceStats_gql_to_csv/main/requirements.txt
Let’s define a simple logger and a “constant” that I’ll get from Environment Variables:
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
I don’t want to make this code huge, so I’ll cut to the chase. Let’s define a good generic query function to deal with Harness GraphQL:
def generic_graphql_query(query):
req_headers = {
'x-api-key': API_KEY
_transport = RequestsHTTPTransport(
# Create a GraphQL client using the defined transport
client = Client(transport=_transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)
# Provide a GraphQL query
generic_query = gql(query)
# Execute the query on the transport
result = client.execute(generic_query)
return result
We can also do something very similar to run mutations:
def generic_graphql_mutation(mutation_query, params):
req_headers = {
'x-api-key': API_KEY
_transport = RequestsHTTPTransport(
# Create a GraphQL client using the defined transport
client = Client(transport=_transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)
# Provide a GraphQL query
generic_query = gql(mutation_query)
# Execute the query on the transport
result = client.execute(generic_query, variable_values=params)
return result
Let’s explore two real use cases from our customers.
Customer Statement: I need to generate (on demand) a CSV Report for all Instances Deployed, by Service and Environment. I also need the Service ID to make sure I’m counting this right.
Resulting Project (I’m still enhancing this): GitHub - gabrielcerioni/harness_instanceStats_gql_to_csv: This is a simple Python that will parse instanceStats GraphQL Query into a CSV.
With everything we did until this point, I also need two functions:
This is pretty much it:
query = '''{
instanceStats(groupBy: [{entityAggregation: Service}, {entityAggregation: Environment}]) {
... on StackedData {
dataPoints {
key {
values {
key {
generic_query_result = generic_graphql_query(query)
# just for readability - I'll build a cleaner result set to make it easier to CSV this later
clean_dict_list = []
result_list = instanceStats_gql_resultset['instanceStats']['dataPoints']
for service_item in result_list:
instances = []
service_name = service_item['key']['name']
service_id = service_item['key']['id']
instance_environments = service_item['values']
for service_instance in instance_environments:
current_dict_entry = {'Service_Name' : service_name, 'Service_ID': service_id, 'Environment' : service_instance['key']['name'], 'Instance_Count' : service_instance['value']}
with open(OUTPUT_CSV_NAME_CONST, 'w', encoding='utf8', newline='') as output_file:
fc = csv.DictWriter(output_file, fieldnames=clean_dict_list[0].keys(),)
Then, we can easily coordinate everything in the “main” entry point:
if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.info("Starting the Program...")
logging.info("Retrieving your current instanceStats GraphQL Query result set...")
result_from_query = get_all_instances_by_service_by_env()
logging.info("Expanding all rows from the nested dict - and then putting it on the CSV: {0}".format(OUTPUT_CSV_NAME_CONST))
parsed_result_set = parse_result_to_csv(result_from_query)
logging.info("Done! Outputting the list content here:")
logging.info("Program Exited! Have a nice day!")
Customer Statement: I need to generate an output with ALL Users from my account. But I have a lot, and this will paginate ad infinitum. Please help and KT this ASAP!
Resulting Project (I’m still enhancing this): GitHub - gabrielcerioni/harness_graphql_labs: Gabs the CSE - Harness - GraphQL Labs - Python.
My GH Project has a dummy loader, but I don’t recommend running that! We can focus on a function that will query all the users, but that also knows how to deal with GraphQL offset/pagination:
offset = 0
has_more = True
total_user_list = []
while has_more:
query = '''{
users(limit: 100, offset: ''' + str(offset) + ''') {
pageInfo {
nodes {
generic_query_result = generic_graphql_query(query)
loop_user_list = generic_query_result["users"]["nodes"]
#total = generic_query_result["users"]["pageInfo"]["total"]
has_more = bool(generic_query_result["users"]["pageInfo"]["hasMore"])
if has_more:
offset = offset + 100
return total_user_list
Then, we could have this very simple entry point:
if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.info("Starting the Program...")
logging.info("Getting all users from your Harness Account")
result_from_query = get_harness_account_users()
logging.info("Done! You have {0} users in your Account!".format(len(result_from_query)))
logging.info("Printing the User List on your STDOUT")
logging.info("Program Exited!")
Here's what we can expect to see, specifically for Use Case 1:
Hopefully this was helpful to you guys! We only went over two use cases, but there are tons more that this could help.
As always, if you have any questions, shoot me a message! I'd be happy to help.