March 18, 2021

Harness Commits New Dev Experience to Drone Community

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It's been just over six months since Drone became part of the Harness family. In that time we've been able to double our engineering investment in Drone, and offer our customers world-class enterprise support through the Harness customer success team.

Today, I'm pleased to announce several new capabilities to the Drone project so we can further simplify the developer self-service experience for Continuous Integration.

Here's a quick 2-minute overview of these new capabilities:

New Look and Feel

Over the past year, the Harness design and engineering teams have been busy developing a new user experience for our next-gen software delivery platform. I'm happy to announce that Drone is a happy beneficiary of that effort with a new sleek look and feel as of today:

Our intention was to make the developer experience seamless for users who are using Drone for CI and Harness for CD. In addition, we've upgraded the dashboard screen with build times and charts so it's easy to spot build failures and trends.

CI Pipeline Visualizer

We've also upgraded the way developers can observe their CI pipelines with a new graph view that helps visualize complex pipelines with nested steps, so developers can drill-down anywhere in just a few clicks while maintaining end-to-end pipeline context.

You can toggle between our traditional log mode and new graph mode with a new control at the top middle of the screen.

Real-time CI Debugger

Next is our real-time debugger which can be accessed in the top-right control of any pipeline view. When you identify a failed pipeline, you can now simply click the new control and put the pipeline in 'Debug' mode. Drone will then re-run the pipeline, and open a remote terminal session on the server executing the pipeline, so you can now inspect the files and start debugging in seconds.

User Management & Governance

Finally, we've added new user management screens so it's simple to manage users, and in the coming weeks/months we'll add new tabs for role-based access control and governance.

That's it for now, but we've got lots more in the pipeline (pun intended). With our additional engineering investment, we can now accelerate our Drone backlog and get ship done.


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Continuous Integration