Ethan Jones

A/B Testing For Feature Flags, What It Is And What It Shouldn’t Be
Understand the right way to use A/B testing with feature flags. Learn best practices for engineering verification and behavioral analytics.

Feature Flags Overview For PMs: Getting Qualitative Feedback and Managing Releases
For PMs, feature flags can be great for providing qualitative feedback, managing betas, and experimentation. Learn more today.

What Is A Look at Features and Use Cases
In this review, we go over what feature flags are, what Split is, pros and cons, use cases, and how it compares to Harness.

Feature Flags Best Practices also known as Feature Toggles
Testing in production, trunk-based development, using feature flags by default - these are all Feature Flags Best Practices. Learn more now, and make your feature flag experience as beneficial as it can be!

How Feature Flags Help With Trunk-Based Development
Explore how feature flags enhance trunk-based development, reducing merge conflicts and boosting deployment speed and safety.

Targeted Rollouts and Release Progression
Targeted Rollouts: release a change to a targeted audience before rolling it out widely. Learn the benefits and why you'd want to do that.

What Is Testing in Production & How to Avoid The Risks
Testing in production used to be a joke. It's not so funny now, because the best tests to learn from are the ones that most match reality.

Faster Incident Resolution
Let's keep exploring the wonderful ways feature flags can make life easier. On the docket for today: incident response.

5 Feature Flag Use Cases You May Not Have Thought Of
From metrics to free trials, there's more to feature flags than meets the eye!

Migrating From Homegrown Feature Flags
We launched a new product - Harness Feature Flags - which is always tough, and exciting. On top of that, Harness - like many companies out there - already had feature flags we used day to day internally, through a home-built system that had evolved over the years.
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