
Using Split for Quick and Easy Java Feature Flags
Java developers, simplify feature management! Follow this guide to learn how to easily control features and conduct A/B tests to deliver impactful features faster using feature flags.
OODA Loops in Product Management
Boost your product development with OODA loops! The OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) framework can accelerate decision-making, optimize experiments, and deliver winning products faster.
How to Measure Latency at Scale
Master the art of scaling without sacrificing performance! This article dives into techniques for measuring latency effectively at large scale.

Privacy Shield Certification added to Split Intelligent Security Framework
Enhanced security and compliance! Split adds US Privacy Shield certification, demonstrating their commitment to secure data handling within their Intelligent Security Framework.

Feature Flags vs. Feature Branches
Feature flags and feature branches each bring unique benefits to code deployment, with flags enhancing flexibility and safety in production, and branches aiding isolated development. Together, they enable continuous delivery with less risk, making it easier to test, deploy, and iterate on features without interrupting users.

Harness Acquires Armory Assets
We’re excited to announce that Harness has acquired key intellectual property and technology from Armory.

What are Software Application Monitoring Best Practices?
In this blog, we look at best practices for effectively managing and monitoring software applications.

Harness Introduces New Jira Software Integrations, Enabling a More Efficient Workflow for Developers
New Harness Continuous Integration and Feature Flags integrations in Jira provide customers with deeper visibility across the development process.

What is Automation Testing? Best Practices and Techniques
In this blog, we’ll explore the concept of automation testing and its benefits, as well as some best practices and common challenges.

The 5 Stages of Engineering Excellence : Chapter 2
Implementing the four DORA metrics should be the basis for all organizations to begin their journey to software engineering excellence.

Hygiene : The Key to Engineering Excellence
In an organization, the need for good data hygiene trumps everything else.

The Six Traits Behind Every Successful VP of Engineering
In this blog, I would like to share the key traits necessary for both promotion and success at the head of engineering level.

What are Engineering Metrics?
In this article, we will explore what engineering metrics are and how they can help organizations deliver better results, enhance productivity, and improve processes.

What is Penetration Testing?
In this article, we delve into the fundamentals of penetration testing, its various types, benefits, tools, and risks, as well as the regulatory requirements and the future of the practice.

Harness Celebrates Black History Month 2023
As Harness celebrates Black History Month, we’re honored to share the unique perspectives of a few members of our team who have graciously shared their stories.

Static vs. Dynamic Code Analysis: How to Choose Between Them
When it comes to static vs dynamic code analysis, what’s the difference between them, and how do you know which one to use?

The Ultimate JSON Library: JSON.simple vs. GSON vs. Jackson vs. JSONP
We ran a benchmark test to see how fast four of the most popular JSON libraries for Java parse different sizes of files. This benchmark can help you decide.

Java NullPointerException: One Tiny Thing That’s Killing Your Chances of Solving It
In this post, we highlight the shortcomings of relying on stack traces alone for investigating Java NullPointerExceptions.

Is Standard Java Logging Dead? Log4j vs. Log4j2 vs. Logback vs. java.util.logging
In this post, we’ll explore the resulting data set from another angle, shed some more light on the dataset, and put the focus on the use of standard java.util.logging levels

5 Java Frameworks to Support Your Microservices Architecture
Rather than asking what specialized framework you need to build a new microservices architecture, let’s ask how we can use current frameworks to support the same goal.

Java Bootstrap: Dropwizard vs. Spring Boot
How to get a production-ready Java application off the ground in the shortest time possible.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Synchronization in Java and Scala
Let’s explore the most synchronization idiom – the Object lock.

AppDynamics vs. New Relic – The Complete Guide
New Relic vs. AppDynamics: All the performance features, integrations, installation procedures, and pricing plans side by side to help you decide which tool to use.

The Complete Guide to Error Tracking Tools
Rollbar vs. Raygun vs. Sentry vs. Airbrake vs. Bugsnag vs. OverOps

Swallowed Exceptions: The Silent Killer of Java Applications
In this post, our goal is to see what it takes to avoid the risks of mishandled errors.
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