Himanshu Mishra

Introducing new Catalog Ingestion APIs to make Harness IDP truly yours
These capabilities allow you to update or ingest additional metadata in the Software Catalog for components and use it to customize your Catalog pages UI, build new Scorecard checks and provide dropdown pickers in the Workflows UI.

Step into Tomorrow: Harness Internal Developer Portal is Ready for the Public
Discover the public preview of Harness Developer Portal, enhancing developer onboarding and service management.

Introducing Harness Internal Developer Portal - Beta release
Discover the beta release of Harness Internal Developer Portal, streamlining developer onboarding and service management with out-of-the-box features.

Introducing Harness CI/CD Plugin for Backstage
Learn about the new Harness CI/CD plugin for Backstage, enhancing developer experience with integrated pipeline execution and monitoring.
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