Nishant Doshi

Misfit vs. 10X Processes
As teams scale, the role of "Process" becomes a central topic, eliciting both strong support and vehement opposition. Processes can sometimes feel burdensome and ineffective, yet they're indispensable for seamless growth and concerted progress. The challenge lies in distinguishing between good and bad processes and finding the equilibrium between the need for consistency and the freedom to innovate. To unravel this, let's first examine the pitfalls that make processes cumbersome and prone to failure.

6 Myths of Engineering Intelligence
Over the past few years, I've engaged in numerous conversations with Engineering Teams and Engineering leaders, leading me to identify several myths surrounding engineering intelligence. Let's debunk these myths one by one.

Why Are Code Hotspots so Hard to Pinpoint?
Before you can figure out how to fix code hotspots, you need to be able to identify them and determine the risk factor around them.

Measuring Product Management Success: An Engineering Leader's View
Measuring success in product management can take time. Here are 5 criteria to look at.

Introducing Software Engineering Insights
The Harness Software Engineering Insights™ module gives engineering leaders actionable data to measure and optimize software delivery processes and improve developer experience.
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