Simplify your Angular deployment process and gain greater control over feature releases. Discover how to set up continuous deployment and leverage feature flags to deliver a better user experience.
A/B testing is a powerful tool for product development, but how can you use it effectively? This guide explores how to set goals, design experiments, measure success, and learn from your results—even the failures.
Feature flags and kill switches can be used to mitigate risk and improve the release process. Automating kill switches can be risky, but it can be beneficial if the risk of keeping them on outweighs the drawbacks of automation.
Audit logs are essential for security, compliance, and troubleshooting. This article delves into the challenges of building robust audit logs, such as designing flexible structures and prioritizing specific use cases.
Code freezes can disrupt development and increase risk. Learn how feature flags can help you avoid unnecessary freezes and improve your software release process.
Want to accelerate software delivery and reduce risks? Feature flags are the key. Discover best practices for managing, monitoring, and retiring flags to optimize your release process and improve user experience.
Change Advisory Boards (CABs) are often used to manage software delivery, but can they slow down the process without improving safety? This article explores CABs, their role, and suggests alternative approaches for safe and speedy delivery.
Take your Spring Boot and Angular app to the next level. Learn how to implement CRUD operations and feature flags.
Branch by abstraction enables continuous deployment by isolating large code changes through an abstraction layer. Combined with feature flags, it allows developers to test updates safely, minimizing disruptions and easing the transition to new implementations.
Unsure if A/B testing or multivariate testing is the best fit for your website? Explore the differences between the two methods to help you optimize your webpages and features.
Feature flags and feature branches each bring unique benefits to code deployment, with flags enhancing flexibility and safety in production, and branches aiding isolated development. Together, they enable continuous delivery with less risk, making it easier to test, deploy, and iterate on features without interrupting users.
While feature flags offer flexibility, they might not be the ideal tool for managing API versions. Learn about potential downsides and explore alternative solutions.
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