October 17, 2024

5 Best Practices for Building Effective Internal Developer Portals

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Learn about the 5 best practices for building an effective Internal Developer Portal. How to prioritize Developer Experience (DX), focusing on automation and governance, and more! 

5 Best Practices for Building Effective Internal Developer Portals

In modern software development, Internal Developer Portals (IDPs) have emerged as a powerful tool for centralizing resources, streamlining processes, and enhancing collaboration across teams. They are a critical part of enabling developer productivity, reducing bottlenecks, and fostering a culture of autonomy. Building an effective IDP can transform how teams operate, but it requires careful planning and execution. Our last blog covered some pitfalls you may experience, and how to avoid them. You can check that blog out here. Below are five best practices to ensure your IDP delivers maximum value to your organization.

1. Prioritize Developer Experience (DX)

The primary users of an internal developer portal are developers, so Developer Experience (DX) should be at the heart of your design. An IDP should be intuitive, fast, and easy to navigate. By focusing on DX, you reduce the friction developers face when trying to find services, documentation, and tools. It should be persona-driven. Here’s how to enhance DX in your IDP:

  • Create a clear, well-organized interface: Structure your portal in a way that guides users logically through their workflows.
  • Provide self-service capabilities: Developers should be able to provision services, access APIs, or spin up environments without having to rely on other teams.
  • Use feedback loops: Actively solicit feedback from your developers to understand where pain points are and make continuous improvements.
  • Developer-centric views: Each developer should only see what they are required to see. This can vary from developer to developer, even on the same team.

2. Integrate Across the Toolchain

One of the core functions of an IDP is to centralize tools, services, and processes. However, it’s important that this centralization doesn’t result in a fragmented experience. Developers use various tools (CI/CD pipelines, version control systems, cloud services, monitoring tools, etc.) throughout the software development lifecycle. Your IDP should offer seamless integration across all these platforms to streamline the developer workflow.

  • API-first architecture: Ensure your IDP integrates with your existing DevOps tools and platforms via APIs.
  • Single sign-on (SSO): Use SSO so developers only need to authenticate once to access the resources they need.
  • Consistent user interface: Regardless of the underlying tools or systems, maintain a consistent user experience to minimize the learning curve.

3. Enable Discoverability and Documentation

The ability to quickly discover services, tools, and documentation is crucial in an IDP. Developers often waste valuable time searching for the right resources, and poor discoverability leads to frustration. A successful IDP allows developers to easily search, explore, and understand available resources. Learn about the Catalog Ingestion API’s in the Harness IDP here.

  • Metadata and tagging: Implement metadata and a tagging system that enables developers to search and filter by categories such as APIs, microservices, or repositories.
  • Comprehensive documentation: All services and tools listed in the portal should have well-maintained, accessible documentation. This could include API references, tutorials, and examples.
  • Search functionality: Incorporate robust search capabilities so that developers can locate resources quickly and efficiently.

4. Foster Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

An IDP isn’t just a tool repository—it’s also a collaboration hub. Developers across teams should be able to share insights, document solutions, and contribute to a collective knowledge base. This improves communication between teams and helps avoid siloed knowledge.

  • Encourage contributions: Allow developers to add, update, or suggest changes to the documentation and resources in the portal.
  • Social features: Integrate features like comments, ratings, or tagging to facilitate community-driven knowledge sharing.
  • Version control and history tracking: Maintain a log of changes to resources or services, enabling teams to track updates and understand the evolution of tools over time.

5. Focus on Automation and Governance

Automation is key to improving developer efficiency, and an IDP can be a powerful vehicle for that. Automating repetitive tasks—like environment provisioning, testing, or deployment—frees developers to focus on high-value work. Additionally, strong governance mechanisms ensure that tools and processes follow best practices and maintain consistency across the organization.

  • Automated workflows: Offer pre-built automation templates for common tasks like setting up a microservice, deploying to a specific environment, or running security checks.
  • Governance policies: Enforce governance rules by integrating compliance checks, security policies, and best practice standards within the IDP.
  • Role-based access control (RBAC): Ensure that only authorized personnel can access, modify, or provision certain resources to maintain security and consistency.


Building an effective Internal Developer Portal is an ongoing effort that requires balancing usability, integration, automation, and collaboration. By focusing on these five best practices—prioritizing Developer Experience, integrating tools seamlessly, enabling discoverability, fostering collaboration, and emphasizing automation with governance—you can create a portal that truly enhances developer productivity and drives innovation.

Your IDP should evolve alongside your development practices, becoming a central hub that accelerates and simplifies the way your teams work. With the right approach, it becomes much more than a tool—it becomes an enabler of developer success.

To find out more about Harness IDP, and request a demo, be sure to click here

Internal Developer Portal