July 23, 2024

Software Testing in Continuous Delivery

Table of Contents

Integrating comprehensive testing, including chaos testing for resilience, into continuous delivery pipelines is essential for delivering high-quality, reliable software at speed. Automation, quality gates, and tools like Harness optimize this process, leading to better products and satisfied users.

Software Testing in Continuous Delivery

Software testing is a critical component of continuous delivery, ensuring applications' reliability, functionality, and performance. Releasing new software without testing would be risky. This article explores the various aspects of software testing within the context of continuous delivery, highlighting its importance and best practices.

The Different Types of Testing in Software

Software testing encompasses a wide range of methodologies designed to evaluate different aspects of an application. These types include functional testing, which verifies that the software meets specified requirements, non-functional testing, which assesses performance, usability, accessibility, and security. 

Many teams are dropping the distinction between “functional” and non-functional.” It doesn’t matter if a button in our app does the wrong thing, is hard to find, or is slow. All of those issues are bugs and should be fixed. 

Introduction to Code Coverage

Code coverage is a metric used to measure the extent to which source code is tested by a particular test suite. It provides insight into which parts of the codebase are exercised during testing and helps identify areas that may require additional attention. While high code coverage doesn't guarantee bug-free software, it's a valuable indicator of testing thoroughness.

Benefits of Software Testing

Implementing comprehensive software testing offers numerous advantages:

1. Improved quality: Testing helps identify and fix defects early in the development cycle.

2. Enhanced reliability: Thorough testing ensures that software performs consistently under various conditions.

3. Increased user satisfaction: Well-tested software tends to provide a better user experience.

4. Cost-effectiveness: Detecting and resolving issues early can significantly reduce the cost of fixes in later stages.

5. Compliance: Testing helps ensure that software meets regulatory requirements and industry standards.

6. Speed: When software fails in production, teams are often told to slow down. High quality is a gatekeeper for speed. 

Types of Software Testing

Software testing can be categorized into several levels, each focusing on different aspects of the application:

Unit Testing

Unit testing involves testing individual software components or functions in isolation. It aims to verify that each unit of code performs as expected and helps developers catch and fix issues early in the development process. In CI/CD, this typically runs as part of the build. 

Integration Testing

Integration testing focuses on verifying the interactions between different components or systems. It ensures that integrated units work together correctly and identifies issues that may arise from the combination of individual modules.

Functional or End-to-End Testing

Functional testing, also known as end-to-end testing, evaluates the software's functionality from the user's perspective. It verifies that the application meets the specified requirements and behaves as expected in real-world scenarios.

Chaos Testing for Resilience

Chaos testing, also called chaos engineering, involves deliberately introducing failures or unexpected conditions into a system to test its resilience. This approach helps identify weaknesses and improve the overall reliability of the software in unpredictable environments.

Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing is a more flexible approach where testers simultaneously learn about the system, design tests, and execute them. This method can uncover issues that might be missed by more structured testing approaches.

Feature Experimentation

Feature experimentation involves testing new features or variations with a subset of users to gather data and insights. This approach allows teams to make data-driven decisions about feature implementation and optimize user experience.

Software Testing in Continuous Delivery

In a continuous delivery environment, software testing plays a crucial role in ensuring that changes can be released rapidly and reliably. Testing is integrated throughout the delivery pipeline, allowing teams to catch and address issues quickly. This integration enables faster feedback loops and promotes a culture of quality throughout the development process.

How to Make Testing Part of Your CD Pipeline

To effectively incorporate testing into your continuous delivery pipeline, consider the following strategies:

Emphasize Quality at Every Step of the Pipeline

Quality should be a priority at each stage of the development process. Implement automated tests that run consistently throughout the pipeline, from code commits to deployment.

Empower Developers to Prove the Quality of Features

Encourage developers to write and maintain tests for their code. This practice not only improves code quality but also fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility for the overall product quality.

Build in Customer Feedback

Incorporate mechanisms to gather and analyze customer feedback within your continuous delivery process. This feedback can inform testing strategies and help prioritize areas for improvement.

Build a Solid Software Testing Strategy

Developing a comprehensive testing strategy is essential for effective continuous delivery. Consider the following elements when building your strategy:

1. Define clear testing objectives aligned with business goals.

2. Identify appropriate testing types and levels for your application.

3. Determine the right balance between automated and manual testing.

4. Establish metrics to measure testing effectiveness and efficiency.

5. Implement continuous improvement processes for your testing practices.

Improve Your Software Testing with Continuous Delivery

How often should we run our tests? As often as there are changes to test! With Continuous Delivery as a backbone, new versions of software are brought to your tests regularly and your tests can be automatically kicked off and used to govern delivery. Continuous Delivery and Continuous Testing go hand in hand.

With these practices together, you will find:

1. Providing faster feedback on code changes.

2. Enabling more frequent and smaller releases, reducing the risk of each deployment.

3. Facilitating easier identification and isolation of issues.

4. Promoting collaboration between development and testing teams.

5. Encouraging the adoption of automated testing practices.

Harness Software Delivery Platform

To optimize your continuous delivery testing process, consider leveraging specialized tools like the Harness Software Delivery Platform. Harness offers several features designed to enhance testing efficiency and effectiveness:

Test Intelligence: Harness uses Test Intelligence to speed up unit testing. This feature employs machine learning algorithms to prioritize and execute the most relevant tests based on code changes, significantly reducing testing time without compromising quality.

Quality Gates: Harness provides quality gates powered by Open Policy Agent (OPA) to govern CD promotion with the results of your tests. These gates ensure that only code meeting predefined quality criteria progresses through the pipeline, maintaining high standards throughout the delivery process.

By incorporating these advanced testing capabilities, organizations can streamline their continuous delivery workflows, improve software quality, and accelerate time-to-market for new features and updates.

Citi talked about the impact of testing and Harness together: “Harness CD lets us release each change within minutes of a pull request being merged. Running all the necessary tests and scans during the pipeline gives us the confidence to do this.Read the case study.


Software testing is an indispensable component of continuous delivery, playing a crucial role in ensuring the quality, reliability, and performance of applications. By implementing a comprehensive testing strategy that covers various levels and types of testing, organizations can significantly improve their software delivery process. Leveraging advanced tools and platforms like Harness can further enhance testing efficiency and effectiveness, ultimately leading to higher-quality software and increased customer satisfaction.

As the field of software development continues to evolve, the importance of robust testing practices in continuous delivery will only grow. By staying informed about best practices and emerging technologies in software testing, development teams can ensure they're well-equipped to meet the challenges of modern software delivery.

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