August 13, 2024

GitOps vs. DevOps: What's the Difference?

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GitOps and DevOps are complementary methodologies in modern software development. While DevOps focuses on culture and collaboration across the entire development lifecycle, GitOps provides a specific, Git-centric approach to infrastructure and deployment management. Understanding their differences and synergies allows organizations to leverage both approaches, optimizing their software delivery processes for increased efficiency and reliability.

GitOps vs. DevOps: What's the Difference?

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development and IT operations, two methodologies have gained significant traction: GitOps and DevOps. While both aim to streamline the software delivery process, they approach this goal from different angles. This blog post delves into the nuances of GitOps and DevOps, exploring their similarities, differences, and potential synergies.

What is GitOps?

GitOps is a paradigm that leverages Git as the single source of truth for declarative infrastructure and applications. It extends the Git workflow to manage infrastructure provisioning and application deployment, ensuring that the entire system state is version-controlled and auditable.

GitOps Workflow

The GitOps workflow centers around the use of Git repositories to manage infrastructure-as-code and application configurations. Here's a high-level overview of the process:

  1. Developers push code changes to a Git repository.
  2. A CI/CD pipeline is triggered, running tests and generating artifacts.
  3. The desired state of the system is defined in a separate Git repository.
  4. An operator (like Flux or Argo CD) continuously monitors this repository.
  5. When changes are detected, the operator automatically reconciles the actual state with the desired state.

This approach ensures that the production environment always matches the state described in the Git repository, providing consistency and reproducibility.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to shorten the systems development life cycle while delivering features, fixes, and updates frequently in close alignment with business objectives. DevOps is typified by a high degree of automation, team responsibilities that span multiple traditional roles, and strong measurement and metrics.

DevOps Lifecycle

The DevOps lifecycle is often visualized as a mobius strip, emphasizing continuous improvement and delivery.

A typical DevOps "infinity loop". From wikipedia.

Key stages include:

  1. Plan: Define features and capabilities for the system.
  2. Code: Design and implement the software.
  3. Build: Compile the code and package it into deployable artifacts.
  4. Test: Ensure the quality and performance of the application.
  5. Release: Prepare and manage releases of the software.
  6. Deploy: Deploy the application to production environments.
  7. Operate: Maintain and monitor the application in production.
  8. Monitor: Collect data and metrics on application performance and user experience.

Unlike a waterfall environment where stages are project oriented and take a long time, in a DevOps environment all of these activities may be happening concurrently. While one feature is being rolled out, a product manager is planning upcoming features, developers are writing code, and the latest build is being tested. This lifecycle promotes collaboration between development and operations teams, fostering a culture of shared responsibility and continuous feedback.

What is the difference between GitOps and DevOps?

While GitOps and DevOps share common goals of improving software delivery and operational efficiency, they differ in their focus and implementation:

  1. Scope: DevOps is a broader philosophy encompassing culture, practices, and tools across the entire software development lifecycle. GitOps, on the other hand, is a specific approach to implementing continuous deployment and infrastructure management.
  2. Source of Truth: GitOps relies on Git repositories as the single source of truth for both infrastructure and application code. DevOps doesn't prescribe a specific source of truth, although version control is generally used for application code.
  3. Automation Focus: GitOps emphasizes declarative descriptions and automated reconciliation between desired and actual states. DevOps encourages automation throughout the lifecycle but doesn't mandate a specific approach.
  4. Change Management: In GitOps, all changes to the system are made through Git, providing a clear audit trail and easy rollbacks. DevOps practices may involve various change management processes, not necessarily centered around Git. However, some organizations add additional governance checks to the process. 
  5. Skill Set: GitOps requires proficiency in Git and declarative configuration languages. DevOps encompasses a broader range of skills across development, operations, and collaboration tools.

Is GitOps replacing DevOps?

It's important to understand that GitOps is not replacing DevOps, but rather complementing and extending it. GitOps can be seen as a specialized implementation of DevOps principles, particularly in cloud-native and Kubernetes environments.

DevOps remains a fundamental approach to software development and delivery, focusing on cultural changes, breaking down silos, and fostering collaboration. GitOps builds upon these principles, providing a specific methodology for managing infrastructure and deployments in a declarative, version-controlled manner.

Organizations can adopt GitOps practices within their broader DevOps strategy, leveraging the strengths of both approaches to optimize their software delivery pipeline.

GitOps vs. DevOps: Which is better for adoption?

The choice between GitOps and DevOps (or a combination of both) depends on various factors, including:

  1. Existing Infrastructure: Organizations heavily invested in cloud-native technologies and Kubernetes may find GitOps more appealing.
  2. Team Structure: DevOps might be more suitable for organizations looking to break down silos between development and operations teams.
  3. Compliance Requirements: GitOps' inherent audit trail and version control can be advantageous for industries with strict compliance needs. Ensuring that compliance elements like the results of security scans and tests, are traceable as well, can require extra effort or technology with GitOps.
  4. Scale of Operations: Large-scale, complex environments might benefit more from GitOps' declarative approach and automated reconciliation.
  5. Cultural Readiness: DevOps adoption often requires significant cultural shifts, while GitOps can be implemented more incrementally.

Many organizations find success in adopting DevOps principles broadly while implementing GitOps practices for specific aspects of their infrastructure and deployment processes.

Harness Software Delivery Platform

In the context of GitOps and DevOps, the Harness Software Delivery Platform offers a comprehensive solution that bridges the gap between these methodologies. Harness provides an end-to-end DevOps platform with capabilities spanning from source control to CI/CD and feature experimentation.

Key features of the Harness platform include:

  1. GitOps Integration: Harness works seamlessly with popular GitOps tools like Argo CD and Flux, allowing organizations to leverage GitOps practices within their existing DevOps workflows.
  2. Centralized GitOps Control Plane: Harness offers a central GitOps control plane, providing enhanced visibility across multiple clusters and environments. This centralized approach simplifies management and improves observability.
  3. GitOps Pipelines: The platform includes GitOps pipelines that support automatic environment promotion and rollback. This feature enables teams to implement GitOps practices more easily, ensuring consistency and reliability in their deployment processes.
  4. End-to-End DevOps Support: Beyond GitOps, Harness covers the entire DevOps lifecycle, from continuous integration to continuous delivery and feature experimentation. This comprehensive approach allows organizations to streamline their entire software delivery process.

By offering a platform that supports both GitOps and DevOps practices, Harness enables organizations to adopt the best of both worlds, tailoring their approach to their specific needs and infrastructure requirements.

Closing thoughts

The debate between GitOps and DevOps is not about choosing one over the other, but rather understanding how these methodologies can work together to improve software delivery and operational efficiency. DevOps provides a broad framework for collaboration and continuous improvement, while GitOps offers a specific, Git-centric approach to managing infrastructure and deployments.

As organizations navigate the complexities of modern software development, they should consider how both GitOps and DevOps principles can be applied to their unique contexts. The key is to focus on the underlying goals: faster, more reliable software delivery, improved collaboration, and increased operational efficiency.

By leveraging platforms like Harness, which support both GitOps and DevOps practices, organizations can create a flexible, powerful software delivery pipeline that adapts to their evolving needs. As the industry continues to evolve, the integration of these methodologies will likely play a crucial role in shaping the future of software development and IT operations.

Continuous Delivery & GitOps