Upcoming Events

Harness Federal Partner Bootcamp: November 2023

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Events summary
November 21, 2023

Vertosoft Headquarters in Leesburg, Virginia

The Harness team is pleased to offer you Harness training sessions.

The training's goal is to get you familiarized with the Harness platform and learn how Harness can improve DevX, velocity, security, reliability, and governance.


1:00 PM - 4:00PM Training

4:00 PM Happy Hour

The training block goes as follows:

- CI: 1hr

 - Demo

 - Harness nomenclature

 - Lab: Creating your first pipeline (Build Test Push)

 - Differentiators: Test Intelligence, Looping Strategies, Intelligent Caching, etc.

- CD: 45 min

 - Demo

 - Harness nomenclature

 - Lab: Deploy Artifact to an environment

 - Differentiators: Complex Deployment Strategies, Automatic Rollbacks, Continuous Verification, etc.

- STO: 1hr

 - Demo

 - Lab: Orchestrating Scans as part of your pipeline and minimizing CVE noise

 - Differentiators: Agnostic SecScanner Orchestration, Normalization, Deduplication, LLM-based remediation

- The remaining time will be used for:

 - Access Validation

 - Breaks

 - Q&A

 - Templatization exercises

 - Optional Training: FF, OPA, etc.
