
Definitive Guide to Continuous Integration (CI)

Webinar: On-Demand
Webinar: Upcoming Event

Our recent survey revealed a startling reality: 80% of developers spend less than half their workday coding. This means that for every dollar spent you light another one on fire. This inefficiency in the development process extends beyond mere productivity loss. Developers find themselves bogged down by toil such as prolonged build times, navigating tooling complexities, and dealing with operational overhead. Unfortunately, granular observations like this are often overlooked by leadership.  

So what’s your next move? To truly unlock the full potential of your development team, the priority should be on empowering them to do what they do best—coding. With that said, this ebook explores common challenges in CI, and reviews different approaches to achieve speed, security and cost-efficiency, akin to the elite teams in the industry. Join us as we delve into the world of CI, uncovering how to optimize your processes, empower your developers, and achieve developer excellence. All you need to do is download to get started.

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