If you are a .NET developer, engineer, SRE, QA, enthusiast, aficionado, or have any involvement or interest in .NET in any capacity, this list is for you.
We scoured the Internet to track down the top .NET blogs and .NET podcasts that you should bookmark. Oh, you should probably read / listen to them too. We provide the name, URL, Twitter handle, and a brief overview of the author.
In no particular order:
Twitter: @troyhunt
Troy Hunt is a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals
Twitter: @shanselman
Scott Hanselman is a web developer who has been blogging for over a decade. He works in Open Source on ASP.NET and the Azure Cloud for Microsoft out of his home office in Portland, Oregon.
Twitter: @andrewlocknet
Andrew Lock, though everyone knows him as ‘Sock’, is a full-time developer, working predominantly in full stack ASP.NET development in Devon, UK. He graduated with an MEng in Engineering from Cambridge University in 2008, and completed a PhD in Medical Image Processing in 2014. He has experience primarily with C# and VB ASP.NET, working both in MVC and WebForms, but also worked professionally with C++ and WinForms.
Twitter: @buhakmeh
Khalid Abuhakmeh is an experienced software developer with over a decade of experience focusing on Microsoft .NET technologies, primarily dedicating a disproportionate amount brain cells to ASP.NET and the web.
Twitter: @codeopinion
Derek Comartin is a software developer and Microsoft MVP with two decades of professional experience that spans enterprise, startups, professional services, and product development. He’s written software for a variety of business domains such as consumer goods, distribution, transportation, manufacturing, and accounting.
Twitter: @RealSwimburger
Niels Swimberghe is a Belgian Full Stack Developer solving problems and delivering value to customers using .NET technologies for back-end systems, and modern JavaScript technologies for the front-end.
Twitter: @MichaelShpilt
Michael Shpilt is a software developer and a blogger. His day job is working as a team lead at OzCode, a company dedicated to improving debugging for .NET developers. He blogs about .NET, office life, and the C# language. He has a book called Practical Debugging for .NET Developers. He has programming since he was 13 years old, creating computer games in the Basic language. He lives in Israel and has been working professionally for over 10 years.
Twitter: @robertsjason
With over 15 years of experience, Jason Roberts is a former 5-time Microsoft .NET MVP, freelance developer, writer, and Pluralsight course author. He has written multiple books and is an open-source contributor. In addition to enterprise software development, he has also designed and developed both Windows Phone and Windows Store apps.
Twitter: @scottbrady91
Scott Brady is the Identity & Access Control Lead at Rock Solid Knowledge, and a Pluralsight Author. He specializes in Identity Server and all things Authentication, Identity, OAuth, and OpenID Connect. In his day job, he creates identity solutions for customers and develops commercial IdentityServer products. This allows him to not only play with older protocols such as SAML & WS-Federation but also cutting-edge technologies such as FIDO2. He mainly works with C# and ASP.NET Core.
Twitter: @cincura_net
Jiří Činčura is a project lead for .NET provider (and related providers like Entity Framework Core, Entity Framework and DDEX) for Firebird (the database). He has helped with .NET and Entity Framework providers for NuoDB. He is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional and also Microsoft Certified Trainer.
Twitter: @lukencode
Luke Lowerey specializes in web development, code, product and leadership. He is the CTO and co-founder at Endpoint IQ.
Twitter: @joaofbantunes
João Antunes is a software engineer, mostly with .NET technologies, but he likes to play around with other tech as well. In 2019, he was awarded with a Microsoft MVP in the developer technologies category.
Twitter: @SitnikAdam
Adam Sitnik is a Software Engineer focused on .NET performance and reliability. He currently works for the .NET Team at Microsoft where he works on making the .NET Framework the fastest developer platform on the planet.
Twitter: @daniellittledev
Daniel Little is a Software Engineer based in Brisbane Australia, with a focus on developing web-based systems. He enjoys functional programming, domain-driven design, distributed systems, and event sourcing. But most of all he enjoys solving problems. As a developer, he has the ability to create something from nothing. To make people's jobs and lives, better and more enjoyable.
Twitter: @cfdevelop
Christian Findlay is a software developer, writer, and content specialist based in Melbourne, Australia. He focuses on .NET, Xamarin, Uno Platform, ASP.NET Core, and Azure. He joined the software industry over two decades ago and has worked on all kinds of software projects. He has a passion for software development technology and loves writing about it and training people to use it.
Twitter: @VannevelJeroen
Jeroen Vannevel loves unearthing curious .NET behavior.
Twitter: @realDotNetDave
David McCarter has been a software engineer for over 27 years. He is a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional), C# Corner MVP, solutions architect, consultant, professional code reviewer, speaker, and author who lives in San Diego, California USA. He is the editor-in-chief of dotNetTips.com… a website dedicated to helping software engineers in all aspects of programming since 1994.
David has written for programming magazines and has published many books including “Rock Your Code: Coding Standards for Microsoft .NET”, “Rock Your Code: Code and App Performance for Microsoft .NET”
Twitter: @DotNET
Twitter: @haacked
Before Phil Haack started A Serious Business, Inc., he worked at GitHub doing whatever he could to make it even more awesome. Prior to that he worked at Microsoft on NuGet and ASP.NET MVC and helped to usher in Microsoft’s Open Source era.
Twitter: @maartenballiauw
Maarten Balliauw lovess web and HTTP, C#, Kotlin, Azure and application performance. he is a developer advocate at JetBrains and a frequent speaker at and organizer of various community events.
Twitter: @codingblocks
We are a few guys who’ve been professional programmers for years. As avid listeners of podcasts and consumers of many things code-related, we were frustrated by the lack of quality programming (pun) available in listenable formats. Given our years of experience and real-world problem solving skills, we thought it might be worth getting into this world of podcasting and “giving back” a shot.
Twitter: @CompleteDevPod
There are plenty of podcasts out there about languages and coding. What we are doing with the Complete Developer Podcast is to cover the other areas of life. For example, our first episode is about talking with customers, bosses, and others that developers interact with who are not fellow developers.
Twitter: @CynicalDevs
The UK based, podcast that helps you to improve your development knowledge and career,
through explaining the latest and greatest in development technology and providing you with what you need to succeed as a developer.
Twitter: @telerik
Eat Sleep Code is the Official Telerik Podcast (Telerik by Progress). On Eat Sleep Code you’ll hear from industry pros and developers just like you. Topics include all things software development and upcoming tech.
Twitter: @shanselman
Scott Hanselman is a web developer who has been blogging for over a decade. He works in Open Source on ASP.NET and the Azure Cloud for Microsoft out of his home office in Portland, Oregon.
Twitter: @mergeconflictfm
Merge Conflict is a weekly discussion with Frank and James on all things development, technology, & more. After years of being friends, Frank and James finally decided to sit down and start a podcast about their lives as mobile developers using Xamarin. Much more than just another mobile development podcast, Merge Conflict, reaches all areas of development including desktop, server, and of course mobile. They also cover fun things happening in the world of technology and gaming and whatever else happens to be on Frank’s and James’ minds.
Twitter: @msdevshow
A NEW podcast for Microsoft developers covering topics such as Azure/cloud, Windows, .NET, Visual Studio, and more! Hosted by Jason Young and Carl Schweitzer.
Twitter: @_CalvinAllenTwitter
Twitter: @mgroves
The podcast bringing you the news about .NET, C#, Visual Studio, and everything in between, from Redmond and around the world.
Twitter: @dotnetcoreshow
The .NET Core Podcast is the only podcast devoted to Microsoft’s .NET technologies, spreading knowledge on what you can build with it, and what the community are building. This podcast is created by Jamie Taylor with contributions from developers in the .NET community.
Twitter: @carlfranklin
.NET Rocks! is a weekly talk show for anyone interested in programming on the Microsoft .NET platform. The shows range from introductory information to hardcore geekiness.
Twitter: @6figuredev
Money isn’t everything. We are here to provide you with the tools, tips, and techniques to increase your technical skills, communication skills, and income.
Twitter: @weeklydevtips
Weekly Dev Tips offers a variety of technical and career tips for software developers. Each tip is quick and to the point, describing a problem and one or more ways to solve that problem.
Twitter: @realDotNetDave
David McCarter has been a software engineer for over 27 years. He is a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional), C# Corner MVP, solutions architect, consultant, professional code reviewer, speaker and author who lives in San Diego, California USA. He is the editor-in-chief of dotNetTips.com… a website dedicated to helping software engineers in all aspects of programming since 1994.
David has written for programming magazines and has published many books including “Rock Your Code: Coding Standards for Microsoft .NET”, “Rock Your Code: Code and App Performance for Microsoft .NET”