July 12, 2021

Tutorial: How to Use the New Vault Agent Integration Method With Harness

Table of Contents

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for using Vault as a secrets manager for Harness.

Harness offers anoption to integrate with Vault to serve it as a Secrets Manager. We are talking about a safe and reliable method called Vault Agent.

I had some difficulties setting up a good integration that reduced the toil to 0. I wasn't sure how to handle the underlying Auth method options provided by Vault. There’s TTL everywhere, RoleIDs, Secrets that expire, etc. So, this is my humble contribution to anyone suffering from the same. Buckle up! 



A Vault Server, good credentials, and some patience.

Tasks on Vault

I’ll create a ‘kv’ Secrets Engine called Harness:

Vault Agent Tutorial: Secrets Engines

Then, I’ll create a policy named harness_v2_engine_gabs:

path "harness/*" {
capabilities = ["create", "list", "read", "update", "delete"]

path "harness" {
  capabilities = ["create", "list", "read", "update", "delete"]

path "auth/token/renew-self"
capabilities = ["read", "update"]

# List existing secrets engines.
path "sys/mounts"
 capabilities = ["read"]

We’re ready to roll!

First Step

I’ll enable the AppRole method via the Vault UI console. Then, I’ll switch to the API (using a powerful token) to perform the following operations.

First, we run that to enable the AppRole method:

vault auth enable approle

Then, we can create our Role:

curl \
   --header "X-Vault-Token: s.<...>" \
   --request POST \
   --data '{"token_ttl": "60m", "token_max_ttl": "120m", "token_policies": ["harness_v2_engine_gabs"], "bind_secret_id": true}' \

It worked!

Vault Agent Tutorial: Role

Second Step

Time to configure our Vault Agent. We first start by retrieving the very important RoleID:

curl \
   --header "X-Vault-Token: s.pasnBqCp46cuJov6COJ7uTw3" \


And now, our “not so loved” SecretID:

curl \
   --header "X-Vault-Token: s.pasnBqCp46cuJov6COJ7uTw3" \
   --request POST \

Keep those two IDs in your Mental Vault (your brain - or Notepad++ since this is a lab).

Third Step

Time to get the Vault Agent! It’s super important to mention that Harness only needs access to the sink file that the agent will write the tokens into. I’ll run the Vault Agent at the same Server that is hosting my Harness Delegate.

Depending on your SecOps team, they might have a shared volume or something similar. The only required thing is to make sure that the Harness Delegate is capable of reaching the sink file path.

The first thing you do is to get the Vault on that Delegate. We’re not going to start the Server. It’s the agent, and I guess it is in the same bundle.

The first step to using Vault is to get it installed.

And this is my Vault Agent Home, at /etc/vault:

Vault Agent Tutorial: Vault Agent Home

I’ll explain each file in the next step.

Fourth Step

The first thing I’d like to do is to write a good config.hcl. This might be different depending on your preferred Auth Method and Security restrictions, but I’m using the AppRole Method in this lab. With this in mind, this is a good starting config file:

pid_file = "./pidfile"

vault {
 address = ""
 tls_skip_verify = true
 retry {
   num_retries = 5

auto_auth {
 method "approle" {
   config = {
     role_id_file_path = "./roleid"
     secret_id_file_path = "./secretid"
     remove_secret_id_file_after_reading = false

 sink "file" {
   config = {
     path = "./sink"


cache {
 use_auto_auth_token = true

listener "tcp" {
 address = ""
 tls_disable = true

You can use this documentation to enhance or even change it: Vault Agent.

Vault Agent is a client-side daemon that can be used to perform some Vault functionality automatically.

My current config asks me to provide the RoleID + AppID. This is what I did here:


Fifth Step

Time to run and test the Agent Credentials! Let’s run the agent. If you are confident, you can use it with nohup!

vault agent -config=/etc/vault/config.hcl
nohup vault agent -config=/etc/vault/config.hcl &

You should see something like this:


Sixth Step

Time to test it with Harness! Important: Currently, this capability for the Secrets Manager is behind a Feature Flag. You can ask your CSM or any contact to enable that. However, this is going to be GA in the next week, so I don’t think you need to do that.

Alright, let’s get that Secrets Manager working!

Access your Harness UI -> Secrets Manager -> Configure Secrets Manager (blue icon) -> Add Secrets Manager.

Please pay attention to the new fields, such as Delegate Selector and Sink Path.
It's pretty easy to configure. Take a look:


Big Last Step - Test that Vault!

Let’s create a nice secret via the Harness UI:


It works!



This is a safe, reliable approach to make Vault your Harness Secrets Manager. If you need TTL in secretID, this might add a little toil to make the Agent keep the good credentials, but this is eligible to automation, IMHO.

Any questions or comments? Don't hesitate to reach out.

