August 1, 2024

Harness Product Updates July 2024

Table of Contents

Welcome to the July 2024 edition of Harness product updates. Summer is in the air here in the Northern Hemisphere. At Harness, we have been hard at work so you can delight your customers without facing software delivery toil. Here is what has been changing in the previous month across Harness Products.


Harness Recognized as a Strong Performer in Forrester's Cloud Cost Management and Optimization Wave

We're excited to announce that Harness was named a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave™: Cloud Cost Management and Optimization (CCMO), Q3 2024. We believe this recognition highlights our commitment to helping businesses optimize their cloud costs and maximize their cloud investments. The report noted that Harness "brings market-leading features" and a differentiated roadmap.
Read more about how we stack up >

New Features and Updates

Continuous Integration

Build large codebases faster

Building large codebases is even faster because of enhancements to the git clone step, which now supports large file storage (LFS) downloads, shallow clones, and other features.
Learn More ›

Continuous Delivery

Skip CI/CD pipeline executions with commit message flags

Sometimes changes to a repository don’t warrant triggering your build and deployment pipelines. Developers can now include flags including “[skip pipeline]” in their commit messages to signal this to Harness.
Learn more about pipeline skipping >

  • Serverless deployments support additional Runtimes as dependencies.
  • Users can now set environment variables when performing a Native Helm deployment.
  • Manual authentication configurations may be passed for EKS deployments.
  • Active GitOps syncs can be canceled with a new “Terminate Sync” button.
  • Users syncing Harness configuration to Git bidirectionally now have a Health Status page to inspect the process.

Chaos Engineering

Expanded chaos fault library for greater resilience coverage

The addition of new chaos faults enhances the breadth of resilience testing available to users. These include:

  • Support for Custom Fault Creation: Simplifies the process of introducing unique failure scenarios (Bring Your Own Chaos).
  • Kubernetes Pod IO Mistake: Tests how applications handle data corruption or errors.
  • AWS FIS Generic Experiment: Facilitates execution and monitoring of any AWS FIS template.
  • Advanced API Fault Filtering: Offers granular control over fault injection based on headers, methods, query parameters, destination IPs, and hosts.
  • AWS Dynamo DB Faults: Adds specific resilience testing for Dynamo DB.

Learn more about these new ways to test your service >

  • Seamless Integration with our Internal Developer Portal
  • Comprehensive Pipeline Visibility for Chaos Engineering
  • Automated Service-Oriented Chaos Engineering
  • Introduction of Visual Application Maps
  • Enhanced Resilience Probes in ChaosHubs
  • Comprehensive Dashboard Support for Resilience Probes
  • Enhanced GameDay experience

Code Repository

Recursive Code Search

Keyword or regex code search can now be done across all repositories in an Account, Organization, or Project.
Learn more about Recursive Code Search >

Infrastructure as Code Management

Harness IaCM IDP Plugin: Streamlined Infrastructure Insights for Developers

The Harness IaCM plugin for IDP and Backstage lets developers quickly view infrastructure status and details directly from the IDP Catalog, for services provisioned with Harness IaCM. This streamlined approach enhances visibility, troubleshooting, and speeds up development decision-making.
Learn more >

  • Enhanced flexibility: Workspace settings now dynamically configurable in IaCM pipeline stages

Internal Developer Portal

New Catalog Layouts for Custom Entity Types Extends Your Catalog Model

You can now create new Catalog Layouts for your Custom Entity Types in the IDP Software Catalog. This extends our Catalog model beyond services, websites, and libraries to track different types of applications such as micro-frontends, LLM models, SDKs, and more!
Learn more >

  • JEXL expressions now supported in all YAMLs ingested into IDP (eg. catalog-info.yaml and template.yaml)
  • graphviz and plantUML now supported in TechDocs
  • New steps simplify onboarding of new applications (create organization, project, and resource)
  • Scorecard checks can now check for annotations in the IDP Catalog itself.

Security Testing Orchestration

Harness STO expands Snyk scanner support

Harness STO now orchestrates Snyk code, container, and Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) scans, adding to its support for the Snyk SCA scanner.

Software Supply Chain Assurance

Harness SSCA Now Features Repo Security Posture Management

Harness SSCA offers RSPM, allowing you to secure your repos confidently, starting with automated scans that pinpoint security and compliance issues against industry-standard risk frameworks like CIS benchmark and OWASP Top-10 CI/CD security risks.
Read more >

Split Feature Management & Experimentation

Certificate Pinning for Mobile SDKs

The Android and iOS SDKs for Split FME now allow you to constrain the certificates that the SDK trusts. Two techniques are supported:

  1. Pin a certificate's SubjectPublicKeyInfo
  2. Pin a certificate's entire certificate chain

Please see the Android SDK and iOS SDK documentation for details.

Resource Repo

  • VIEW ON-DEMAND: FinOps Excellence Summit Watch Now ›
  • EBOOK: Definitive Guide to Developer Experience: Get the Guide ›
  • REPORT: State of Developer Experience Report 2024 Read the report >

Upcoming Events

{unscripted} • Sept 2024 & Virtual Sept 25th, 2024

This year, we’re excited to take {unscripted} on the road! Join us in a city near you as we share breaking news about our modern software delivery platform before general release. Get sneak previews from Harness CEO Jyoti Bansal and General Managers, including new products, features and capabilities as we unveil the next generation of AI-powered software delivery.
Register Now >

All Release Notes

All release notes can be found on Harness Developer Hub (HDH). The release notes are inclusive of new features and bug fixes across the Harness Platform. You can sign up for RSS Alerts for specific modules on HDH. 

Continue the Journey

Learn more at Harness University. From getting certified as a Harness Expert to condensed training with Instructor-Led Training.
