July 1, 2024

Harness Product Updates June 2024

Table of Contents

Welcome to the June 2024 edition of Harness product updates. Summer is in the air here in the Northern Hemisphere. At Harness, we have been hard at work so you can delight your customers without facing software delivery toil. Here is what has been changing in the previous month across Harness Products.


Harness Launches Three New AI-Powered Cloud Cost Optimization Features

We’re excited to launch three new capabilities that add to our comprehensive cloud cost management (CCM) tool designed to help organizations take control of their spiraling cloud costs. Expanding on our current CCM capabilities, this trio empowers organizations to master cloud cost optimization through governance-as-code, automated commitment management, and efficient cluster node auto-scaling.

Read the announcement blog >

SSCA is now SMP BETA Ready!

We are thrilled to announce that our SSCA (Software Supply Chain Assurance) module is now SMP BETA ready! This milestone unlocks incredible opportunities for our customers who are looking to secure their software supply chains in SMP air-gapped and connected environments. Check out the Harness Developer Hub for more details.

Learn more >

New Features and Updates

Code Repository

Improvements in developer experience through code suggestions

Developers and tools (such as security scanners) can now add and accept code suggestions within the pull request (PR) workflow. Developers and reviewers can also add comments to optimize the pull request (PR) workflow.

Try the new Code Repository features >

  • Learn tips on using branch rules effectively for your Git repository.

Continuous Delivery

Streamline Kubernetes Rollouts

Kubernetes Rollout commands are now supported natively in Harness. Simply provide the desired command, and which resource, manifest, or release to target and Harness will take care of the rest.

Continuous Integration

Securely build with Harness CI Cloud using a secure tunnel

For customers using Harness CI Cloud, SecureConnect now supports Windows and MacOS (along with Linux) based build infrastructure. Customers can easily generate SLSA L3 provenance using Harness’ build infrastructure.
Also, the new Test Intelligence step can easily speed up unit testing of Python, Ruby, and Java applications.

Contact us to enable these features >

Infrastructure as Code Management

Make the impact of infrastructure code changes visible right in the PR

Harness IaCM now supports PR Automation, which directly populates plan and cost data into the PR process. The visibility of planned changes and costs helps developers significantly reduce the likelihood of errors when making resource changes.

See it in action >

Split Feature Management & Experimentation

Easily target different app versions using Semantic Version Targeting

Using the latest Split SDKs, you can more easily define targeting rules for new features based on app versions using attribute-based targeting. The SDK will then take care of the rest without needing to do any additional code configurations.

Get started today >

  • Safeguard and categorize all your crucial KPIs as “guardrails”, protecting them throughout every feature release and experiment. Learn more >

Resource Repo

Upcoming Events

FinOps Excellence Summit • July 31, 2024

Develop a deep understanding of cloud costs from industry leaders so you can make informed decisions about resource provisioning, pricing models, and cost optimization strategies.
Register Now >

All Release Notes

All release notes can be found on Harness Developer Hub (HDH). The release notes are inclusive of new features and bug fixes across the Harness Platform. You can sign up for RSS Alerts for specific modules on HDH. 

Continue the Journey

Learn more at Harness University. From getting certified as a Harness Expert to condensed training with Instructor-Led Training.
