January 19, 2022

Did We Hurt the SDLC Movement by Trying to Bind CI to CD? With Nick Durkin at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2021

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Nick Durkin, Field CTO at Harness, had the opportunity to sit down for a quick chat with Alan Shimel of Digital Anarchist Network for KubeCon + CloudNative Con NA 2021 in Los Angeles, CA. In addition to the big glaring question up top, Nick talked about Feature Flags and the importance of empowering developers. Here are the conversation highlights:

1:45 - On Hurting the SDLC Movement by Binding CI and CD Together: We believed CI was sorted/solved, and CD was the hard part. So we focused on that. But we heard, as a repeated theme, from customers: CI is not solved. That's why we acquired Drone. When you talk about CI and CD, generally speaking, they are different things. However, we put CI and CD together, and this is where we can empower people.

3:30 - On Paying Highly-Skilled People to Do Work Below Their Skill Level: Our goal at Harness is genuinely to empower everyone. If you think about the shift left mentality, you have to give people the right information. We applied AI/ML to Harness not to remove people's jobs, but to take the worst parts out of them.

6:30 - On Cloud Costs: If we actually want to empower people to deploy all the time, we have to give them that visibility. Bringing cloud costs into the SLDC, while we may be the first to do it, I guarantee this is where the industry is going. Traditionally, cloud cost bills have resulted in bill shock for CFOs. With Harness, you have the ability to know right away when you make a change what it will do for your costs.

8:45 - On What's Going On at Harness: We're building more, and we're growing! We have two new offices in Belfast and Belgrade. We released CIE, Feature Flags, and once we round that out with Cloud Cost Management, we have a phenomenal story!

If you want to see what else Nick has to say, you're gonna have to watch the full interview below. A heartfelt thank you to Alan Shimel from DevOps.com for this speaking opportunity - we are very grateful! And to learn more about Harness, you can book your demo today.

Nick Durkin - Harness | KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2021 from Digital Anarchist Network on Vimeo.

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