Resilience testing is an important part of your Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that measures and certifies that your business services remain reliable even when some parts of the system encounter problems temporarily. Measuring resilience under load is essential as new reliability issues come to light when faults occur under high system load. This article describes the procedure and best practices for resilience testing using the Grafana K6 load test tool and Harness Chaos Engineering’s chaos experiments. We take an example of an e-commerce application running on Kubernetes, but similar principles are applied to other environments, too.
In the real world, high traffic doesn’t arrive alone, it brings chaos with it.
Imagine your eCommerce site during a Black Friday sale. Users are flooding in, carts are filling up, and payment gateways are firing requests by the second. Your team has tested for load, and everything looks good in isolation. But what happens if the checkout service experiences latency, or the cart service pod restarts mid-transaction? Will customers still be able to check out? Will your system fail gracefully—or just fail?
This is where combining load testing with chaos engineering becomes critical.
Load testing validates performance under pressure. Chaos engineering ensures your app behaves reliably when key components fail, slow down, or misbehave—at the exact moment your system is under stress. By running both together, you move beyond just preparing for scale—you prepare for reality.
Let’s walk through a specific step by step guide!
Goal: Measure the resilience score of the Cart service under real-world load by injecting chaos experiments and tracking system health via resilience probes.
Sample Application: Boutique ECommerce Portal
Load Test Tool: Grafana K6, deployed locally at runtime.
Chaos Experiments: Network Loss, Network Latency, Pod Deletes, and HTTP API Status code errors.
As shown above, the policies and experiments are configured on the control plane, and the constructed chaos experiments are sent to the target hosts or clusters on the execution plane. The first step is to get access to the Harness platform.
Sign up for a free Chaos Engineering on Harness plan that is fully featured and allows you to run a certain number of chaos experiments per month.
Otherwise, if you are a current Harness customer, someone (harness-account-admin) would have invited you to join an existing account at Harness that allows you access to the Chaos Engineering product.
Once you get access through either of the above methods, you can view/create and run chaos experiments along with the load tests. Before we get into the details of setting up and running the specific chaos experiments, it is essential to understand the roles and permissions required to do the proper setup.
We are considering three types of users for this resilience test setup.
First, harness-acc-admin configures the required roles for the service developer to create and run the chaos experiments.
Second, the service admin must set up a service account on the target application cluster, which will be used to run the load generation and chaos experiments.
Once the above two roles and permissions are set up, you can create and run the chaos experiments and load generation tasks as an application developer, QA engineer, or performance tester.
Before showing the actual chaos experiments, let's explore the application and the test scenarios in more detail.
OnlineBoutique is a sample application we will use in this resilience testing under load scenario. It consists of multiple microservices that interact with each other through simple APIs and store transaction data in a database. The architecture is shown below:
In the above diagram, the load generation is done using the Grafana K6 load generation tool. The OnlineBoutique can be set up on various platforms. In the current example, we have set up the application on a Kubernetes platform.
For resilience testing with Harness Chaos Engineering, the following two things are essential:
The first steps are signing up at Harness and connecting your application to the Harness control plane.
Sign up at Harness to access the fully featured FREE Chaos Engineering plan. Alternatively, you may have received an invitation from someone in your organization who can access the Harness trail or enterprise plan.
In either case, identify your role and others with admin permissions on the Harness control plane and your application’s host/cluster.
The Chaos Admin role is the easiest way to access the overall Chaos administrative functions. You should also have admin access to the target application cluster to set up the Harness Delegate in the next step, run chaos experiments, and load tests later.
Install the Harness Delegate on one of your Kubernetes clusters with network access to the cluster on which the application (in this case, the OnlineBoutique) is running. For help with the Delegate installation, see this link.
Harness Chaos Engineering provides an easy process for onboarding a chaos agent onto a Kubernetes cluster. Follow this link to discover the resources and automatically create basic chaos experiments.
Once the control and execution planes are set, specific steps for chaos experiments and load tests are followed.
We are using three kinds of resilience probes:
The Prometheus probe uses Prometheus query to compute the latency, as shown below.
name: boutique-frontend-latency-check
type: prom
endpoint: http://XX.XX.XX.XX:9090/
query: avg_over_time(probe_duration_seconds{job=\"prometheus-blackbox-exporter\",
type: float
criteria: <=
value: "50"
probeTimeout: 10s
interval: 2s
attempt: 1
probePollingInterval: 3s
initialDelay: 1s
mode: Continuous
A command probe that checks the number of pod replicas:
name: productcatalog-svc-replica-check
type: cmdProbe
command: kubectl get pods -l app=productcatalogservice -n boutique --no-headers | wc -l
type: float
criteria: ==
value: "1"
probeTimeout: 10s
interval: 2s
attempt: 1
probePollingInterval: 3s
initialDelay: 1s
mode: Continuous
The list of resilience probes for checking the resilient state of various services is shown below.
The K6 load generator experiment is available as a native chaos fault in the Enterprise ChaosHub of Harness Chaos Engineering. It is configured for the load parameters, as shown below.
The chaos experiments required for test scenarios are constructed from the native chaos faults like:
The experiments are created using the above faults and tuning them for the targeted services such as Frontend, Checkout, and ProductCatalog in the OnlineBoutique All the resilience probes created above can be attached to each experiment so that the resilient state is checked with each experiment.
The Harness Chaos Engineering pipeline capability is used to run parallel chaos experiments. "Chaos Step" pulls a chaos experiment from the user's project into the pipeline stage, as shown below.
The pipelines can be run manually or through an API.
From the execution view, you can get the resilience score and the percentage of successful resilience probes when chaos is injected under load. A sample execution view is shown below.
The summary of resilience probes is shown in the Resilience tab of the pipeline execution view.
In summary, chaos experiments and Grafana K6 load tests are created using the out-of-the-box faults and can be run parallel using the pipelines.
Ready to see how your systems behave when it matters most?
Sign up for Harness Chaos Engineering and start combining real-world failure scenarios with load testing using Grafana K6. Whether you're preparing for your next peak traffic event or hardening your microservices for long-term resilience, this integrated approach helps you move from theory to reality—fast.
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🚀 Already onboard? Try injecting your first chaos experiment with load today and discover your resilience score.