Cluster Orchestrator

Experience up to 90% savings on Kubernetes clusters with Harness Cluster Orchestrator. Balance workload requirements, leverage Spot instances, and optimize resource usage across AWS and EKS.

Optimize Kubernetes costs with intelligent autoscaling

Workload-Driven Autoscaling

Balance workload requirements with cloud infrastructure using intelligent autoscaling.

Spot Orchestration & Savings

Save up to 90% with full Spot instance orchestration, automatic fallback, and reverse fallback.

Granular Cost Visibility

Get complete visibility on cluster costs across pods and nodes for chargeback or showback.

AutoScale Nodes for Optimal Efficiency

Leverage horizontal and vertical pod autoscaling to match pod count and size with workload demands.

Intelligently select and scale nodes to prevent pending pods and wasted resources.

Safely Run Workloads on Spot Instances

Split workload replicas across Spot and On-Demand nodes to balance savings and risk.

Choose cost-optimized or least-interrupted distribution strategies based on your risk tolerance.

Set base On-Demand capacity for critical workloads while maximizing Spot usage.

Unified Control Across Clusters and Commitments

Integrate with Commitment Orchestrator to leverage AWS Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.

Automatically scale down idle workloads to zero with Cloud AutoStopping, including dependent services.

Get granular cost visibility across pods, nodes, and multi-cloud environments for accurate chargeback.

Cloud Cost Management