April 30, 2021

Harness Product Update | April 2021

What a month! We always enjoy looking back and seeing the great things we’ve accomplished. For one, we released three new features for CD, we recorded another episode of ShipTalk and Women of DevOps, and we released our CI/CD Buyer’s Guide (a great resource for companies that are in the research and buying stages of CI, CD, or CI/CD). Let’s not forget our many press mentions from our cloud momentum announcement, either! We’re always busy bees at Harness, and we’re so excited for what’s yet to come. Read more below.

New Features

Harness CD: Delegate Selection and Pipeline Execution Details

Harness now provides users with more deployment context. A user can now see which delegate was used for a particular deployment:

And can now see additional details regarding the execution of a pipeline. For example, if a stage in a pipeline is skipped, a user will be notified why. 

These feature enhancements mean less time digging through code to find answers, and more time available for important projects. Check out the docs for delegate selectors.

Harness APIs for Tag Management

Harness users can now attach and detach Tags to the resources (applications, services, environments, etc.) using GraphQL API. You also have an option to get the usages of the tags by querying for a specific or a list of tags and you are getting the details of the tags while querying any resource. This makes it much easier to audit if the organization's standards for Tags are being met or not and to bulk update tags on resources. Check out the Docs!

Harness CD - Early Access Program - Azure GovCloud

Users can now deploy their workloads into an Azure GovCloud environment. This is great for regulated and secure workload! Harness now enables you to deploy into those restricted and regulated environments. This feature is behind a feature flag. If you’re already a Harness customer, please reach out to Harness support to enable Azure GovCloud for your account. Happy Deploying 🚀

Harness CCM - Recommendations API

With the introduction of the Recommendations API, there are now programmatic ways to gather the insights and recommendations that Harness CCM provides. With a GraphQL query, you can retrieve the results of every Kubernetes cluster CCM is observing. This is especially useful if you have large numbers of applications that you want to consider making recommended resource changes for. Now you can programmatically make those changes. Read about it and watch the video demonstration in this blog post.

Talkin’ Ship on the ShipTalk Podcast

We rounded out April with a new episode of our ShipTalk podcast - see below, episode 11 with James. Also included are the two previous episodes just in case you missed them!

Episode 9: Shifting Complexities in DevOpsJim Shilts, Founder and Organizer of North American DevOps Group (NADOG). Jim walks through his 20 years of experience and how complexity and bottlenecks have shifted around, and what’s in store for the future. 

Episode 10: DevOps in a Highly Regulated Industry – Donovon Carter, DevOps Engineer at Dexcom. Donovon walks through how to balance innovation and regulation. 

Episode 11: From House Fires to Production Fires – James Bohrman, Founder of Cloudspeakers. James started his career at ADT as a dispatcher, dealing with actual house fires. Then, he made the journey to SRE with production fires. 

Want to be a guest speaker on ShipTalk? We’d love to hear from you. Complete your speaker submission and we’ll get in touch to see if you’re a good fit for a future podcast!

Upcoming Virtual Events

Looking Ahead

We’re saving our big announcements for the {unscripted} conference in June. So go sign up right now. It’s gonna be huge. Huge, I tell ya! We just keep differentiating ourselves from other CI/CD platforms out there, and you’ll find out how in just about a month’s time. Here’s what’s coming:

  • A huge multi-module announcement. That’s it. That’s all you get for now. You’ll just have to wait to find out more, now, won’t you?!