August 29, 2019

Harness Product Update | August 2019

Table of Contents

Tag Management

There is no game older than playing tag. There also might not be many enterprise features older than tag management.

With our new tagging feature, you can now build logical models around how your business understands your Continuous Delivery pipelines. You now have the option to tag the following within Harness:

  • Services
  • Environments
  • Workflows
  • Pipelines
  • Infrastructure Providers

Cyberark Application Access Manager Support

Image result for cyberark logo

Do you know what they call someone who can keep a secret? A best friend. But also, your favorite CD vendor.

Let’s be honest, we all have secrets. And, it’d be pretty embarrassing if those secrets get out. This explains why Harness has doubled down its support for additional secrets managers. Specifically, Cyberark Application Access Manager. We can proudly say that we support almost any secrets manager that our customers can encounter.

Essentials Pricing Tier

We recently announced a pricing tier called Essentials! Smaller developer shops can now take full advantage of the Harness platform and begin building pipelines as they build out their CD processes. The differences are minimal and tailored perfectly for the size of your company and development teams. For a full matrix on the differences of our Community, Essentials, and Enterprise tiers, take a look here.

Some More Goodies

  • Authentication setup in Harness has been enhanced and simplified, combining SSO Provider and Login Settings into a single Authentication Settings screen.
  • Deploy to multiple AWS accounts using the same Harness delegate.
  • Following up on our recent update to the Harness Audit Trail, we've added a filter feature to allow you to quickly find specific changes made in your account.

What Else Is up at Harness?

We have some exciting events coming up, including:

Speaking Engagements

Webinars & Case Studies

Give Us Your Harness Tips & Tricks!

Any customers who have a unique tip or trick on how they use Harness will be given a $25 gift card. Email with your story.

Disclaimer: Limited one per person, must be a unique use-case not marketed in any of our materials, and applicable across Harness, not unique to one company's use case.
