November 26, 2020

Harness Product Update | November 2020

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It’s late November and in the USA that means Thanksgiving. At Harness we’re thankful for many things and our customers and engineering team are at the top of that list. As usual we have been busy adding more features, squishing bugs, and creating content to show more love to CI/CD. Read on to find out what we’ve been up to in November. If you enjoy reading release notes you can find the latest on the Harness docs site. On to the updates...

First Class Support for ECS

DevOps Saas solutions are going all-in on Kubernetes, but in their single-minded focus most solutions have forgotten about ECS customers. Harness hasn’t. Harness understands that many customers are happy with their ECS environments, which is why we offer the same level of ECS functionality as our Kubernetes functionality.

Less Scripting - With a reduction in scripting for ECS Run Tasks, users no longer need to script out test scripts or short term workloads. Harness has a native integration with ECS to allow the user to visualize the result of tasks and take the respective action.

Reusable Tasks - Harness provides the ability to pull ECS Task Definitions from a user's Github. The user can templatize their Task Definitions and reuse across teams. Harness provides the ability to override values in Task Definition. This improves users' ECS service management.

Out of the Box Deployments Strategies - Harness provides out of the box deployment strategies like Canary, Blue-Green, and Basic Deployments. Combine this with Failure Strategy and Automated Rollback capabilities, and the user no longer has to script out these capabilities and manage various failure scenarios.

Runtime Inputs for Deployment Pipelines

Sometimes deployment pipeline inputs are unknown at the time of pipeline creation. Sometimes the inputs can depend on the execution of a previous pipeline stage. Despite this, most deployment tools require all authorization inputs up front. Not anymore.

Harness lets you build and run pipelines without requiring upfront inputs. Once your deployment reaches the pipeline stage that requires inputs, you can enter the necessary information and continue the execution. 

This becomes especially relevant for large enterprises with longer lead times. This allows them to start the deployment process and continue working on the pipeline itself. 

The Cloud Cost Management Free Trial Gains Sample Data

Getting started with a free trial is not always the easiest thing to do. Typically, you need a server, application services, load generator, etc. before you ever install the software you want to test. Harness recognizes that this is a lot of up-front effort for something that you may or may not be interested in after taking a test drive. As a result, we’ve added sample data to our free trial of Cloud Cost Management. Without having to install any software, you can test out Harness Cloud Cost Management using a pre-populated cloud cost data set. With this pre-populated data set it’s easy to see how Harness helps customers save thousands and even millions per year on their cloud costs. If you decide you want to see your own data within Cloud Cost Management, Harness will help you get connected to your cloud environment in a few simple steps. If you have not seen Harness Cloud Cost Management in action you can sign up for a free trial today.

Notable Mentions in the Press

Harness has been in the press in the month of November. Here are the links.

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