Cloud costs
September 8, 2021
min read

Harness the Power of AWS EKS-Anywhere


Don’t you love it when stuff just works? AWS has announced EKS-Anywhere (EKS-A) and begun the move to make stuff just work in the datacenter as they have perfected in the cloud. EKS-A provides AWS customers the flexibility to run EKS on their own hardware in either connected, partially connected (edge) or fully disconnected (air-gapped) datacenters. EKS-Anywhere provides an installable software package for creating and operating Kubernetes clusters on-premises and automation tooling for cluster lifecycle support. 

When AWS asked if Harness could support the launch, we were on board and excited to validate our intelligent software delivery platform on top of EKS-A. As it turns out, Harness just works! Harness is able to deliver the complete application deployment experience that our customers already enjoy with EKS to EKS-Anywhere.


Harness is an intelligent software delivery platform that enables customers to easily deploy their applications to cloud and traditional infrastructure with confidence of velocity, governance, quality, and efficiency. Employing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Harness can leverage the metrics and logging tools customers are already using to validate that applications are successfully deployed and roll them back if they are impacting users. Combining the flexibility of Harness’ Software-as-a-Service or On-Premise platforms with the AWS EKS and EKS-A ecosystem is a natural and synergistic combination.  

Our users love EKS and perform deployments every day on their EKS clusters using Harness. To them, it's a seamless and consistent deployment experience that allows them to deliver their business critical applications in a consistent fashion - on a Kubernetes platform they love. We continue to build out various AWS specific capabilities to allow our customers maximize their EKS Anywhere experience with other AWS services. 

Rohan Gupta, Sr. Product Manager

We are excited to be partnering with AWS for the launch of EKS-Anywhere and add it the catalog of AWS services we already support:

AWS AutostoppingElastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)Amazon Machine Image (AMI)FargateAuto-Scaling Groups (ASG)Identity and Access Management (IAM/IRSA)CodeDeployLambdaCloudFormationAWS S3CloudWatchAWS Secrets ManagerElastic Container Registry (ECR)KMS Secrets ManagerElastic Container Service (ECS)AWS Spot Instances

If you are in the process of introducing AWS EKS-Anywhere to your infrastructure, be sure to deploy your applications with Harness - because when things just work as expected, delivery anywhere is a success! Try it today

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