DevOps Essentials Usage Terms
Welcome to our DevOps Essentials Usage Terms page. Below you'll find straightforward definitions of the different licenses used in our licensing models. The following definitions are applicable to the DevOps Essentials products as specified on Harness Order Forms.
“Developer” means each person, identified by a specific, unique email address, who is an employee, agent, or contractor of Customer or Customer’s Affiliate that accesses Harness software directly, or contributes to code development, deployment, security, maintenance, optimization or any other technical activities related to software code that is managed with Harness. For clarity, even if a person undertakes more than one of the activities described above, each such person shall only be counted as one Developer.
If Customer wishes to use bots or robotic process automation to run the Software, Customer must first obtain Harness’s prior written consent and such usage may be subject to additional restrictions. Harness may revise the definition of a Developer upon notice to the Customer.
A “Security Scan” executes the Security Testing Orchestration (STO) step within a pipeline. This involves scanning a target for security vulnerabilities. A “target” can be a repository, container image, configuration, or live application.
A "Continuous Delivery Deployment Event” occurs when a Service is distributed, deployed, upgraded, or otherwise delivered to an Environment using any deployment strategy, including but not limited to manual, automated, blue-green, canary, or rolling deployments.
Continuous Delivery Deployment Events are considered billable i) when a new Service is successfully deployed to an Environment, or ii) when an existing Service in an Environment is updated, upgraded, or modified.
A “Service” is an independent unit of software that is managed, tracked, and deployed using Harness Continuous Delivery (CD) and Harness GitOps.
A Service may include, but is not limited to, the following:
- A binary running a daemon or application.
- A script or executable.
- A containerized service (e.g., Docker container).
- A virtual machine (VM).
- A serverless function (e.g., AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Function).
- An application synced via GitOps to a unique infrastructure.
- Custom definitions as configured within Harness CD.
An “Environment” refers to a designated infrastructure or set of infrastructures where a Service is deployed, such as development, staging, or production environments.
Continuous Delivery Deployment Events do not include processes or activities outside Harness CD and Harness GitOps unless specified in the applicable agreement.
A “Cloud Credit” is a unit of measurement representing one minute of compute time consumed on Harness cloud infrastructure to execute pipeline stages or processes initiated by the customer. Cloud Credits are applicable when utilizing Harness modules, including but not limited to Continuous Integration (CI), Security Testing Orchestration (STO), and Infrastructure as Code Management (IaCM), that rely on Harness cloud resources for execution.
For more information about Cloud Credits please visit:
Scope of Cloud Credits:
Cloud Credits are calculated based on the following factors:
- Operating System: The type of operating system utilized for the execution, which may affect resource consumption.
- Allocated Resources: The virtual computing resources provided for execution, such as CPU, memory, and disk usage.
- Each pipeline stage or process executed on Harness Cloud infrastructure, regardless of its complexity or duration, contributes to the consumption of Cloud Credits.
Cloud Credits do not include execution time or resources consumed on customer-owned infrastructure or external systems integrated with Harness unless explicitly specified in the customer agreement.
An “IaCM Deployment Event” refers to executing an Infrastructure as Code Management (IaCM) stage within a pipeline that involves referencing or utilizing a Workspace through Terraform or OpenTofu commands. Each execution of an IaCM stage in a pipeline constitutes a billable deployment event.
A “Workspace” is an independent unit that manages the lifecycle of resources defined by Terraform or OpenTofu within a shared state file. A Workspace serves as the context in which infrastructure resources are provisioned, modified, and tracked during IaCM stage execution.
Billable IaCM Deployment Events include:
- Execution Context: The invocation of Terraform or OpenTofu commands within an IaCM stage that references a Workspace.
- Lifecycle Management: Actions performed to create, update, or destroy infrastructure resources defined in the state file associated with the Workspace.
The following activities are excluded from billable IaCM Deployment Events:
- Actions or commands performed outside the IaCM stage in the Harness platform.
- Operations that do not involve referencing a Workspace or managing resources defined within a state file.
If Customer’s use of the Harness Platform exceeds the number of License Units set forth in the Order Form, Customer will be billed for such excess use at the end of the month in which such excess use occurs, based on the pricing specified below:
- DevOps Essentials - Continuous Delivery - Deployment Events: $0.58 USD Per Deployment Event.
- DevOps Essentials - Continuous Integration - Cloud Credits: $0.01 USD per Cloud Credit.
- DevOps Essentials - Security Testing Orchestration - Scans: $1.15 USD per Scan.
- DevOps Essentials - Infrastructure as Code Management - Deployment Events: $1.73 USD per Deployment Event.
Excess use will be invoiced in arrears, and Customer will pay the overage fees in accordance with the Agreement.