April 3, 2018

Harness Product Update | April 2018

Table of Contents

I've split our product update for April 2018 up into 3 sections that mirror the core capabilities of Harness:

Smart Automation

Smart Automation allows customers to build deployment pipelines in minutes. We do this by providing native integration for technology stacks and tools that customers use to run their apps and services.

One major deliverable back in February was our Configuration-As-Code feature. Users can now code deployment pipelines in YAML and use Git for version control.

We also enhanced our Kubernetes automation with support for:

  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
  • Ingress Controllers
  • Istio Rules (required for Blue/Green deployments and traffic splitting)
  • Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Helm

Learn More: Video

Regarding Amazon Web Services, we released CodeDeploy, CodePipelines, and Lambda support (Learn More: Video) back in November last year, and we just released support for AMI artifacts and AWS Fargate. AKS will follow shortly.

To assist with infrastructure provisioning, we recently added HashiCorp Terraform support, and also added CI support for Helm and Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS).

<a href=CI Support Added for Multiple Tools" id="" width="auto" height="auto" loading="auto">

And finally, we added a new catalog feature that allows users to "catalog" their own existing shell scripts and reuse them across Harness deployment pipelines.

Continuous Verification

Continuous Verification allows customers to automate deployment health checks using machine learning and their existing APM and log analytics tools.

In addition to supporting AppDynamics, New Relic, Splunk, ELK, Sumo Logic and Logz.io we now support Dynatrace, Datadog, Prometheus and AWS CloudWatch. Read More: Blog

We've also added a new Real-time Continuous Verification Dashboard to the main navigation:

Product Update April 2018: Real-Time Analytics Added to CV.

This new dashboard summarizes all deployment verifications (tests/health checks) and lets users drill down in two-clicks to understand the root cause of each failure. Read More: Blog

Our data science team has also been experimenting with Neural Nets as a more accurate way to detect anomalies in application log files. Currently, we use KMeans clustering with some Jacard and Cosine distance algorithms. With the addition of Neural Nets, we now have more options for anomaly detection.

Check out the below comparison: on the left is how traditional algorithms (A) detect anomalies (red), and on the left is how neural nets (B) interpret the same data and detect anomalies (red).

Neural Nets

Continuous Security

Continuous Security allows customers to audit, govern, and control their deployment pipelines. We heard security loud and clear from customers at the inception of Harness, and as you can expect you'll see plenty of security-related capabilities in the future.

Last quarter we added Audit Trails and Secrets Management so customers can manage secrets within Harness. They can also use their own store such as HashiCorp Vault.

The first big update is our new Connected On-Premises deployment that allows Enterprises to deploy and manage Harness within their own data center and firewall. Read More: Blog

Second, we introduced our new Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) capability with LDAP/SAML/OKTA integration for Authentication and also flexible granular permission for Authorization. Read More: Blog
Below is a diagram of what this control looks like:

Role-Based Access Control Model

In addition, we added IP White Listing to further restrict Harness usage, and also Usage Restrictions so users can restrict Cloud Provider Accounts and Tools to specific applications and environments.

That's it for the April 2018 product update, a massive thank you to our engineering team for getting ship done!

Don't forget you can request your trial of Harness right here.

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